A stunning sunset with Cod, Ling, Herring and Mackerel aboard Sweet William

Incredible run out for Eddie's surprise birthday trip tonight!

We headed out to a slight breeze and stayed close to shore on the rough ground to get a feel for the conditions. Everyone steadily picked away on a variety of species, from codling, whiting, coalies, herring, scotchies to mackerel.

Unexpectedly the wind dropped and sea flattened to nothing, so we took the opportunity to treat the more experienced anglers to a bit of wrecking, and quickly headed out to see what we could find.

Some lovely cod, ling and good size mackerel came up in fair numbers off the first couple of wrecks. As quickly as the wind and swell had dropped, it picked back up again, and we bypassed the third wreck and headed back in to the rough ground to find some shelter to steadily pick away on predominantly codling and mackerel.

The run home was again blessed with an incredible sunset to top the night off in style.


Sweet William finds some big Cod on a day trip


A family river cruise and spot of fishing aboard Sweet William