Sweet William finds Craig Barnes a lovely cod for his birthday

Lovely run out this evening for Craig Barnes birthday!

During the run out of the piers, we found ourselves surrounded by dolphins breaching and feeding in every direction.

The first stop produced any amount of mackerel for a bit of fun for the kids, the pan, and a few for bait.

We headed out to a few wrecks to find the birthday boy a nice fish, and he didn't hang about with a lovely cod of 7lb on the first decent wreck.

Plenty of solid codling all night, smaller ling, whiting, some lovely coalies and mackerel.

When the wind picked up, we headed back home; the birthday boy got the best fish of the day, and young Leon discovered that not only did he have sea legs, but he also loved boat life and decided he was ready for another run out tomorrow.


Cod, Ling and monster Pollack on the wrecks aboard Sweet William


Sweet William finds cod, pollack ling and mackerel on the wrecks off the Tyne